The wekend that is.
Have a chap coming tomorrow to pick up one of the items I sold, and the other has already paid and gone. So that's a result.
I've been agonising for the last couple of days about what to do about/with the server at home. It's sitting in the garage chewing up power and not doing a lot at the moment. OK it's got a couple of terrabytes of data it serves up as and when needed, backups of all my pictures, DVD's/Films and music plus all our documents for the company and personal one. But it's no longer running Exchange, so it's a bit of an over kill I think.
So I've been looking at NAS's - the DROBO with DROBOSHARE looks good, and I have had positive things about them from someone who's got one. But they are a lot of money - even shopping around, by the time you've put some disks in you are looking at the thick end of 600 quid...
I'm sure they are a Rolls Royce solution, but blimey. £600 is a bit steep - for something that will be obsolete in a year. SSD's will get bigger and cheaper and probably be the right answer in a year or two...
So, stuck for the best solution at the moment. All thoughts gratefully received.
Have a good weekend - and don't forget it's Valentines Day on Sunday or you will be in trouble... Despite what they say about it not mattering.
I have a new privacy policy!!!
6 years ago
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