That's me on the right of the picture - with Elizabeth, the newest member of the family (and who is gorgeous - not an opinion - fact!) and Nicky, my other half and without whom I'd not be me anymore!
Not too sure what I am going to do with this blog. Perhaps it's just an attempt at a stream of consciousness or a chance to create a little something that might (google willing) outlast me - assuming that the Internet is not just another passing fad - like Furbies and Space Hoppers.
At the moment I am contracting my arse to the NHS - working on the National Programme for IT as a project manager - for however long that might last - with the Chancellor (Darling) making mad statements on the TV (or if you want to be charitable and assume he's not insane, perhaps he was just lying for effect or maybe just totally incompetent) about cancelling the project, confidence in the product is, understandably, at a bit of a low ebb round these parts.
So, as a sideline, and escape from drudgery plan, I am taking a few photo's - for hire or reward hopefully. I've sold a few portraits and am making a bit of a push to do a few more. Sadly, I am never in the right place when there is a big news story or when Gerry Halliwell visits and falls over on a banana skin - so I doubt I'll ever be a super well paid member of the paparazzi.

These two (Sophie and Elizabeth) are my lasting legacy to the human race - and I am so proud of them both - and love them both to bits. There is 22 years between them - I am a bit worried about being too old to look after Elizabeth properly - but I'm going to give it a good shot, and I know her big Sister Sophie will be around to help Mummy Nicky if anything happened to me.
I doubt I am going to find a cure for cancer, or invent a time machine or anything, but my two girls are enough legacy for me.

This is Nicky - I am a very lucky bloke. I'm older than her and a lot less attractive, but for some reason she loves me. Probably not as much as I love her, but it's what makes life worthwhile for me.
Christmas is coming (and the goose is getting fat etc etc).
We're about ready now. Just got to put up the decorations at home - we've left it a bit late for several reasons - one of which is that I've been using half the house as a studio and so there is no room for the tree, but the photography kit (lights, backdrops etc) can be packed away now as I don't think I'm going to get any more commissions before the new year.
Another reason is (I suppose) a tradition on my side of the family not to put up the decorations until after my mother's birthday (with was the 15th December). She's not been with us for 20 years now, and would have been 70 yesterday had she lived. RIP Mum.
Anyway - this weekend will be putting up the tree and stuff and generally making the house Christmassy. On Monday Sophie is coming to stay until after Christmas. So - whatever happens it's going to be a blinding Christmas - we are going to celebrate Elizabeth's first Christmas in style!
Before that all happens, tonight the boss (Malcolm) is coming to dinner. He's a nice bloke so hopefully the evening will be a pleasant mixture of talking bollocks, dining on good trencherman fare and the odd nice glass of wine or beer. On the other hand it could just end up like the 'Terry and June' episode where the boss comes to dinner - with hilarious consequences as Terry tries to hide his illegal still in the shed and June has double booked the evening with the Surbiton women's Judo Club...
As I've not got a still and live nowhere near Surbiton I suspect it will be more of the former than the latter.
Right - I'm going to save (and spell check) this first posting and then call it a day - I'll try to write something new tomorrow.
Perhaps I'll start on motorbikes or something interesting... Any tips from anyone who stumbles on this will be gratefully received.
Beautiful family! .. and little Sophie is goooooorgeous! Merry Christmas .. and good luck with your work .. and welcome to the Blogosphere Simes :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Sam - and thanks for reading!