Well, despite my best intentions to write something (almost) every day, here we are, weeks having gone by and nothing. This blog has been left in the corner, ignored by me, like a toy the day after boxing day when the first set of batteries has gone flat. I would chastise myself, but, in mitigation, it's been a busy first few weeks of the year.
There was the Lorenzo stuff to finish off - and a jolly good PID etc was created (if I do say so myself), but that's all being left to languish in a dark filing cabinet for the time being (like this blog eh? - A pattern of my life is emerging).
Then, I treated myself to a nice shiney new iPhone, and jolly good it is too - and I've been engrossed in how it works and what jolly apps I can play with on it since I got it. Apparently it makes phone calls too. I rather like it, but the battery life is rubbish. It will do a full day OK - just about. Luckily it's easy to charge, any PC can act as a charger, as can my car etc etc. I bought myself a spiffy new clock radio for beside the bed and that's an iPhone dock too, so it charges through the night - as long as I put it into airline mode when I hook it up to stop the constant buzzing of push emails arriving.
The push email thing is jolly good, emails just arrive as they are sent. But, also jolly annoying. I can't ignore them if I am doing something else - I mean it might be life or death mightn't it? I'm not sure if emails following me everywhere and instantly available for reading and replying is enabling, or slavery.
I have also swapped my email and diary infrastructure over to the cloud! That sounds rather better than admitting I broke my Exchange server system at home setting it up to sync push emails to the iPhone and took the easy option of setting up Google apps for us to use instead.

Then, last weekend we picked up the new caravan - new to us anyway. it's a 2008 vintage Sterling Europa 620 - which for those in the know is a great big (26 feet long) twin axle thing with a fixed bed and rear washroom. Jolly nice it is too - we went to Leamington Spa in it last weekend, as a shake-down run to see how it all worked and it was fine. Apart from the awning - that I felt let it down somewhat, being old and shabby. So that's been eBayed and replaced with a nice new Dorema in Burgundy.
So now, I'm back in the grind working hard to make the money to pay for it all... Let's hope the recession is over before this contract ends in April (hahahahaha).
The Photography business has been a bit quiet since Christmas, but I've now got a couple of weddings to do this year - which is nice.
Little Elizabeth is doing really well - she had her first 'solid' food last night. I fed her, from a spoon, some ghastly looking mix of rice and milk. But she seemed to enjoy it and understood the whole swallowing something different thing. I'm so proud of her! Nicky took some pics of the whole thing, so i'll try to post them soonish.